Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring 2011 Texture photographs

Luc Belikis

Joe Hermey

Alyssa Recinella

Chris LoCaputo

Emily Williams

Casey White

Ashley Kauffman

Anna Shultes

Andrew Kaiser


  1. I personally like Emily Williams photo because of the way she focused on only the rope and left the background out of focus. I like that the picture is very dark and that there is a high contrast in color between the tops of the ropes and the underneath where they are in their shadows. I like the angle this picture was taken from and I don't think it would have the same affect if it was taken from straight above. I would definitely consider this picture a success.

    Nicole Woodcock

  2. I like Luc Belikis' photo because the quality of the picture is very good, and this picture shows the texture of the wall very well, it is not just like a empty wall, it has patterns that made this picture very interesting. Also this picture makes me look around more.

    Anna Muratore

  3. I like Luc Belikis' photo. I like how the angel of the picture is taken and the long depth of field is. I also like how the building is old and has broken windows. The black and white makes it look amazing.
    Taylor meade

  4. I liked Chris LoCaputo's picture because of the detail of the door handle. It shows texture very well, and the short depth of field was a good decision for this picture.
    Scott Threw

  5. I chose casey whites because the flag looks really cool. It shows good contrast and a good long depth of/field. Also the flag and ceiling have good texture.

    Alston moses

  6. I like Alyssa Recinella's photo because of how your eyes are drawn toward the masks and clock. It looks like it was taken in the old times when people would actually wear those things! I can imagine what the mask and the frame of the clock feels like.

    John Lines

  7. I like Anna Shultes's photo, I like how it looks like the puzzle pieces just keep going. I also like that the focus point is a puzzle piece.

    Tylynn Bapp

  8. I like Emily William's photo because it grabs my attention and makes me want to look at the photo more. I also think that the strong light source adds interest to the photo and creates a strong contrast. Rope is also a very interesting subject matter because it has a lot of texture and also many little lines. I think that the short depth of feild is successful in this photo because it brings your eyes to the rope, creating the strong focal point.

    Mackenzie Palma

  9. Personally, I like Alyssa Recinella's photograph. I like how there's various sources of texture, but it ties into this universal theme of something straight out of the Victorian era. When you first look at it, it immediately draws your attention to the mask's eyes, and then you begin to take in the rest of the photo and it all just comes together. I think the photo may have been a little more successful without the distraction of the door frame, but overall, I really like this piece.

    Mikaela Suders

  10. I like Anna Shultes's photo because it really grabbed my attention. I really like her utilization of short depth of field and I also like how you geel like you could just pick up the puzzle pieces with your fingers. I also really like the lighting. You can see the shininess on each piece. Really cool photo.

    Alyssa Recinella

  11. Luc Belikis showed up with his game face on for this texture project! I think the idea behind this photo is very interesting. Taken from a great angle, good lighting, and texture that reflects the idea behind the project very well. Good job.

    Chris Locaputo

  12. I really like anna's photo because the detail in it is really prominent. The puzzle pieces create an illusion of depth that comes across nicely. Well done Anna!

    -Jesse Jause

  13. I like Casey Whites photo. I like the angle of it and the contrast. I also like how it looks like its moving and the long depth of field

    Evan myers

  14. I personally like Emily Whites photo. I like how she took the back ground out of focus with the short depth of feild and left the front in focus. I think the rope has great texture and brings the attention to the rope

    Kelly Ehlert

  15. I like chris locaputos' photo, I like how the door knob is in focus and the background isn't. The short depth of field is dope

    Mike Tackett

  16. I really like Chris Locaputo's photo because I like how the door knob is the only thing in focus and everything else isn't. Your eye is definitely drawn to the door knob and it shows a lot of texture. I also like how the door knob is sort of see-through. The photo also has good contrast with the door knob against the background.

    Abby Conlin

  17. I personally like Chris LoCaputo's photo because of the angle it was taken at and the overall composition of the picture. The door handle fits nicely with the background of circular lights. The focal point of the door handle is balanced nicely between the door and the lights. The picture has distinct shapes that are not too complicated making the photo clean and crisp. I agree with Tackett. Its pretty dope.

    Luc Belikis

  18. I like Casey's photo because of all the lines running different directions, it really keeps my attention.

    Miranda Cordiale

  19. I really liked Emily Williams's photo of the rope. I thought that it's a very creative idea, and I like the rustic feeling that it gives off as a whole. The lighting is this photo is impressive and she developed it just right; the highlights on the rope come across perfectly and the contrasts are very strong. Really well done.

    -Nicole Carte

  20. Anna Shulte's photo really stood out to me. You can feel a sense of touch when you look at the puzzle pieces, and the short depth of field really makes the photo seem endless.

    Kaitlin Breda

  21. I liked Anna Shultes' photograph. I like how only the puzzle pieces in the center are focused. I also liked the lighting in the picture, it makes the puzzle pieces in focus stand out more against the unfocused pieces.

    Brooke Meader

  22. I like Joey's
    Cause it says "Jeep."
    and it makes me think

    "JEEP JEEP."

  23. I like Andrew Kaiser's photograph because of the way it is focused in the distance & blurry in the front. I also like the texture & overall design of the blanket, and how it doesn't take up the whole photo.

    -Kailyn McNeill

  24. I liked Luc Belikis's picture. I liked it because the building was interesting. The texture of the paneling is appealing to the eye and draws movement around the photo. The movement causes you to look at the window. The end.
    -Courtney Davis.
