Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring 2012 Texture

                                          Billy Roberts
                                          Cheyenne Robinson
                                          Claudia Cedrone
                                          Greg Wetmore
                                          Katie Buher
                                          Shawna Mahar
                                          Taylor Neil
                                          Troy Kelly


  1. The picture of the basketball is very good. The values and shadows fade really nicely giving it an almost 3-D effect. It is cool to think that you could take just any old basketball and make it a very cool picture.

    Billy Roberts

  2. The photograph of A shoe with the brand name Coach is A picture I enjoy. I like how I can see the threading into the shoe and even in the symbols. It is very obvious the object is A shoe and the background is a blur so all of my focus goes to the design.It's A very simply but yet A unique piece of art.
    -Lizz H.

  3. I really like the picture of the the assorted letters in the ground. There is a real difference in texture between the letters and stones and the ground. Just from looking at it, you know what it would feel like if you touched it. The picture is so realistic.

    Holly Raesly

  4. I like the picture of the shoe,I like this picture because it tells someting about her, and you can see the values of the different colors well, you can also see the texture of the material of the shoe very clearly, it is very detailed, and captured everything it should of.

    Alyssa L.

  5. I think the picture of the shoe captures everything that someone normally wouldn't notice. The focus and close zoom makes you actually look at the stitching and designs. The stitching makes your eye move around the picture and the focal point. Also, the shoe is more pronounced due to the blurry background.

    Courtney Dudla

  6. My eyes were really drawn to the cactus picture. The way the light shines on it makes it look really cool and kind of shows an x-ray look to it, with having it black or white not gray look.

    Midge Loiselle

  7. I like the photograph of the Coach shoe. When you think of a shoe, you think of it as a whole; one object. But this photo reveals the texture and composition of the shoe with thread and stitches. It captures the close-up details that the naked eye would normally miss.

    -Delaney Silvernell

  8. I personally enjoyed the Coach sneaker picture. My eyes are drawn to the contrast between the pattern on the shoe and the shoelaces. The short depth of field provides detail of the stitching. It being a brand that most recognize also draws peoples eyes.

    Julia Slayton

  9. My eyes were drawn to the basketball. I like how the light hits the top of the ball and the shadow surrounds it. You can tell that the focal point is the basketball. But i really love the background. It sets the picture because the garage and the trees are the atmosphere of basketball.

  10. I find the picture of the basketball very intriguing. It is a simple picture but the unfocused background and the contrasting values between the ball and the trees make the basketball stand out, bringing attention the texture.

    Emily Carberry

  11. I liked the picture of the purse because I thought that it reflected light really beautifully and I liked that you could clearly see all the sequins.

    Gillian Hiscox

  12. In the picture of the bike tire there are many differnt textural values. You can identify every bump on the tire and the picture is in focus. It looks very realistic and like you can reach out and touch it.

    Mandi Rawson

  13. I personally liked the picture of the basket ball. By far this is the one image that really caught my eye. The way the texture of the ball is portrayed and the fact that the foreground and background are both out of focus, make the ball practically pop out of the photo.

    Lexi Petrie

  14. Scrolling through the pictures I deffinately had the most interest in the picture of the shoe. I liked how close up the picture was taken from and how in focus the shoe was, it really made the shoe pop out since the background was not in focus. I also liked how since the shoe was in great focus you can even see the designs of how the shoe was made and the texture of the material the shoe was made out of.

    Michaela Choppa

  15. I like the photograph of the tire it stands out the most since the background isn't in focus. It looks very realistic like you can reach out and touch it. Also, you can see the detail of the little bumps and spikes on the tire. -Ashley Mahadeo

  16. I really found the basketball picture interesting i love how my eyes focus first hits the basketball and the you admire the back round of the image. I think the basketball really makes the image pop

  17. I like the picture of the basketball. It was focused on the middle ground which is the basketball and the background is out of focus. I also like the detail of every bump shown and how the light shines on it.

    -Amanda T.

  18. I really like the photo of the basket ball because my eyes are directed to the ball it's self and doesn't get distracted by any other objects in the background of foreground. It also shows the perfect amount of contrast and isn't too dark or too light.

    -Emma F.

  19. I like how in the basketball picture the light fades down on the ball, and how they did a great job getting the bumpy texture of the basketball in the picture.

    ~jade b.

  20. I really enjoyed looking through all the pictures , the one picture that had caught my eye was the focal picture of the basketball, you can sorta of tell the texture of the basketball. Just imaging it on the court bouncing, but each picture sorta basically had something to say with it.
    -Meleah Bayne

  21. The photograph that I like the most is the one with the basketball. I like how the ball is in focus and the background is not. The way the light hits the ball is very eye catching. The way the light fades from the shadow to the top.

    -Celina Cintron

  22. The photo of the basketball is interesting. With the foreground in focus, you can really see the roughness of the ground and the ball. The lighting is also quite interesting, in that since it's a sphere covered in dots, the shadows gradually get more distinct.
    -Sam Kesler

  23. My favorite photograph out of these eight is the one with the tire. I like how you can only see part of the tire and not the whole thing. I also like how the texture is portrayed with the little spikes on the squares that poke out with the background out of focus. It's very creative how the person put some of the writing that's on the tire into the picture

    ~Kayla Granger

  24. I admire the picture of the basketball. I really enjoy the contrast of it. It brings your eyes from the top to the bottom. The focus is perfect.

    -Duncan Persons

  25. I like the photograph of the bike tire because it stands out the most and the tire groves look really unique with the bumps being in focus. i also think its the best one out of all the pictures because its something that looks so small in real life but when u take that picture it makes everything about it bigger.

    Zachary DeMarsh

  26. The photograph that captured my attention was the photograph with the sneaker. What I like about it is that it is close up so it gives you the ability to see more intricate details of the shoe. The back is out of focus causing our focus to turn solely on the shoe. We can see where the fabric meets the rubber-like part on the bottom and the stitching on the back of the heel.
    -Allyson Young

  27. I really liked the picture of the basketball. I like all of the texture in the picture. I love all of the different values in the picture. I like how the top is lighter than the bottom.Also i like that the background is still in focus.

    Marissa Redmond

  28. The Coach Shoe definitely caught my eye. It stood out to me because the background isn't focused, so the shoe is the main focal point. Not only is it zoomed in far enough so you can see the many details, but you can see things that you wouldn't normally notice. It's almost 3-D, like you could reach and feel the shoe.

    Brooke B.

  29. The picture that stood out for me was the sequined shirt by Katie. I liked this photo because the light reflecting off the sequines really poped and drew my eye to the picture. Also she had the foreground and backround out of focus so the veiwer would notice the texture of the shirt and the different values.
    -Tylynn MIller

  30. All of the pictures are very interesting. I really like the picture of the basketball because it shows the design of the basket ball and shows something about the person as well. I also like that even though it isn't in focus, you can see what the background is, and the basketball still really stands out.

    Tyra Wynn

  31. Out of all the photos shown, the image of the basketball is the one that caught my attention the most. The background being out of focus allowed for the basketball and its texture to be the focal point, immediately grabbing the viewer and drawing them in.

    - Rachel Howard

  32. The picture of the tire stood out the most to me. I like how everything else but the tire is out of focus so you can tell that the tire is the main focal point. I also like that the short depth of field shows you details of the tire that you would normally miss.
    Elliana Cunningham

  33. The picture of the basketball is by far my favorite. The change of value on the ball from light to dark is striking, and is something you really wouldn't notice if you were to look at a basketball. I also like the fact that you not only notice the texture of the ball, but also the rough, cracked street below it.
    -Colin Coughlan

  34. I think the basketball is a very interesting picture. I think that the texture is very intreging.The basketball draws the viewers center of attention. I also like the details of the lines on the basketbal it makes it really realistic -Michael Molisani

  35. I think the basketball is very interesting.I also like the texture of the basketballs lines and it really chatches your eye. It kind of looks realistic- Mike Molisani

  36. I really liked the sequins picture and the way the fore and back grounds were blurred to draw attention to the middle. Also, the way the light reflects off of them really shows the texture and gives it a very interesting look.
    ~ Marissa Michon

  37. I personally like the photograph with the shoe. I like how you can see every detail of the shoe and the material its made of. I also like how the photographer made the background out of focus, by having it out of focus it makes the shoe stand out more.

    Mackenzie Shutts

  38. The picture of the basketball has a shorter depth of field, but you are still able to see what's in the background. It shows that the focus is on the basket ball, without completely distorting where the basket ball appears to be (the background). The texture is also amazing, like you can actually feel what the ball looks like. When I see this, I think of the rough feel of a basketball. -Kennedy Williams

  39. I like the One of the catus because of the resolution of light
    Alyssa duell

  40. I like the bike tire one because it is focused on the bike tire which has many grooves in it which makes it look very interesting. Also it is very cool how he got it to keep the background out of focus. NICE JOB!
    -John Benjamin

  41. I like the contrast of darks and lights on the basketball
